Thursday, February 21, 2008


This week has flown by and I am not sure when I put my time this week.
We did not find the snitch this week and I am upset that I was not there to help. I had the times confused and I had made an appointment for 3 that afternoon.

Care of Magical Creatures is going wonderfully well for me. Even though it has been far too cold for me to really enjoy being outside with them. I hope they understand that is why I am rushing through and not talking to them as much. And you all know how much I LOVE to talk.

Divination is crud. I have not had any true 'divination' experience.

History of Magic has been just like learning Muggle history. I find it very intersting. Celestion has found out where in our family history muggle blood entered. How exciting to be related to William Shakespeare.

DADA-What can I say. The Professor has my tongue tied (still) but he has made several comments upon my improvement since I am more quiet. What I am trying to do is NOT get noticed. I love his voice and I do find him dreeeamy too.

Arithmancy-FUN!!! THis is what my name equates to:Two represents interaction, two-way communication, cooperation, and balance. Twos are imaginative, creative, and sweet natured. Peace, harmony, commitment, loyalty, and fairness are characteristic. But two also introduces the idea of conflict, opposing forces, and the contrasting sides of things: night and day, good and evil. Twos can be withdrawn, moody, self-conscious and indecisive.

I hear my needles calling me.

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