Monday, September 27, 2010

and this is brought to you by the #3

1. Pumpkin-halloween
2. Owl-night
3. Leaf-pin
4. Weasley-red hair
5. Quaffle-ball
6. Hallow-ground
7. Mad-hatter
8. Dragon-fly
9. Crystal-ball
10. Trees-blow
11. Hermione-brain
12. Hogwarts-candy
13. Borrow-warm
14. Dobby-socks
15. Horocrux-magic
16. Ministry-music
17. Magic-lantern
18. Sirius-radio
19. Apple-pie
20. Juice-cranberry
21. Candle-flame
22. Ghost-busters
23. Snake-pit
24. Wand- edited for adult content
25. Invisibility-air
26. Tent-pole
27. Spell-bound
28. Umbridge-edited for adult content
29. Dursley-rude
30. Prophet-false