Thursday, November 27, 2008


see my box? now, let us look inside shall we.

bursting at the seems. popped open when the tape was cut.

goodies...i LOVE goodies

a nice card written by Ms Daisy.

two, TWO awesome sock patterns. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, socks.

a goodie bag. want to know what is inside? let us look.

oh boy, there is a lot of stuff in here.


stitch is a MirrorBall and I was just telling Violent and Wisteria that I really want a MirrorBall. LOOK, I have Lantern Moon Needles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can now make my own OWL since I am not quite able to do it at School.

a journal so i can keep track of Rufus and the mean nasty things we do to him.


YARN for my cool needles!!
A cool spider!!!


And that folks, is the end of my kit. Now go away so I can knit.


RooKnits said...

I'm glad it arrived safely... and I hope you like everything!

Hermione Bagnold said...

LOL Wow! That looks like an awesome kit! ::scurries away before something is thrown at her for interrupting the knitting::

Anonymous said...

it is the one of the most wonderful kit i have ever received.

now, i just need to clear my needles from other projects before I start on the patterns...sigh..i am guessing that will be in january sometime.