Friday, October 17, 2008

busy week

This week has been busy between birthday celebrations, homework, detention from the Potions mess last week. Which I found out there were three items labeled wrong while sorting through all 1000 of them.

Petunia sent me a birthday owl and while it was sitting on my shoulder waiting for its treat it bit me. Blasted bird took a bite out of me and took some skin so it did not get a treat. I figure my skin was treat enough for it.

Dean came over and brought his brother Sam for a visit. He brought me a present, a collection of potion books from the 1800. Now that is the best gift a girl can get.

He looks a bit tired and needs a shave too.


Lavender Diggory said...

The potions book was a better present than Dean himself??

Terri said...

no comment.
plead the 5th..
i want my lawyer...