Thursday, February 5, 2009

homework from Violent

you can answer either question (in other words - choose one)

1) when did you first learn to knit - about 5 years ago

who taught you--a crazy Lady who grew up to be Queen of Northshield.

how did you learn,--fighting tooth and nail.

what was your first project?a pair of failed socks...little did i know i was twisting my stitches until she agreed to turn my heel.

2) What is your favorite knitting project and why? autumn in Oregon. a hsks member showed them to me and i fell in love with them. Why you ask, go and look on my flickr page and you will know why

Was it the yarn your chose? Schaefer Yarn-Anne-LOVE THAT STUFF

What drew you to it?--The name reminds me of a friend who calls me Autumn because of my name.

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